Why should I become a member at StudyKnight.com?

When are the StudyKnight materials available?

What’s the best way to use the materials?

How can I purchase the StudyKnight materials?

How are the materials delivered?

Can I print the online materials?

How do I change my StudyKnight.com membership to another class after the semester has ended?

How do I make changes to my membership before the semester has ended?

I tried to register but never received an e-mail. What's up?

Do you sell StudyKnight from past semesters?

If I login with the Facebook application, is my data stored?

I have a question that has not been answered here. Who do I contact?

1) Why should I become a member at StudyKnight.com?

StudyKnight offers class notes, chapter summaries, practice exams, detailed solutions, video tutorials, flash cards, and lots of other study materials for many of the largest classes at UCF. StudyKnight.com members gain automatic access to the study materials, which are posted about a week before each exam.
The StudyKnight tutors have been helping UCF students since 2012, and tens of thousands of UCF students have used the StudyKnight materials to get great grades.

2) When are the StudyKnight materials available?

Study materials are typically posted about a week before each exam, although some materials may be posted sooner. StudyKnight.com members receive automatic access to everything that’s currently available for each class.

3) What’s the best way to use the materials?

Every student studies differently, but here’s what we recommend: Read through the main study guide until you’re familiar with all of the material. Then, take all of the practice exams posted at StudyKnight.com. These practice exams are specifically designed to help you learn the material by focusing on the topics that you need the most improvement on. A day or so before the exam, use the flash cards and study guide as a last-minute review for the exam.

4) How can I purchase the StudyKnight materials?

When you purchase a StudyKnight.com membership, you will automatically gain access to the materials for your subscribed course(s) when they become available. Just log in to your account at StudyKnight.com and click “Membership” to find the membership option that’s right for you!

5) How are the materials delivered?

The Study Knight study guides are available online only. This gives you the ability to access them from any location with an Internet connection, 24 hours a day!

6) Can I print the online materials?

No, the online materials cannot be printed or downloaded.

7) How do I change my StudyKnight.com membership to another class after the semester has ended?

After final exams are over, your subscriptions will be marked as completed and you will have the opportunity to assign another class to your StudyKnight.com membership.

8) How do I make changes to my membership before the semester has ended?

You can Change Your Plan or Cancel Your Plan at StudyKnight.com. If you need to make any other changes, contact us and we’ll do our best to help you out.

9) I tried to register but never received an e-mail. What's up?

Be sure that you entered your e-mail address correctly, and check your junk and spam folders. If you can’t find it, e-mail us and we’ll send you a new e-mail.

10) Do you sell StudyKnight from past semesters?

No, we don’t offer archive notes. All of the materials posted this semester are current for this semester’s classes.

11) If I login with the Facebook application, is my data stored?

StudyKnight doesn't store any personal information from social media.
If you would like to have your Facebook profile un-linked from the login process, just e-mail us at info@studyknight.com.

12) I have a question that has not been answered here. Who do I contact?

You can send an e-mail to info@StudyKnight.com, or you can use our Contact Form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.


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